Ten Cleaning Tips We Couldn't Live Without

Whether you're expecting company, your house needs a spring cleaning, or you're just trying to keep up with removing the cat hair from the couch, cleaning always seems to take longer than you'd wish. Luckily, we have some secrets for making cleaning much easier. Check out these ten cleaning tips from our Who Knew? books that we simply couldn't live without!

Click here for Ten Cleaning Tips We Couldn't Live Without on our new site.


  1. Mary Beth WilliamsAugust 6, 2011 at 3:47 PM

    Thank you for these tips!!!! They are fantastic!!!

  2. I know that there are many useful lessons on your blog. Thanks!

  3. Who Knew? These tips are awesome and totally work!

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  5. also a fabric sheet in your vaccum filter works to...and also stuff a fabric shett in your couch or chair

  6. I really appreciate your contents too much in your blog! Getting something it's not a bid deal but to maintain it it's really a big fish and if it's busy place then? I think, you made very easy to maintain furniture by having above tips. Anyway, thanks for sharing.

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  8. When it comes to cleaning, I have a maid who cleans the house every other day. I work full time in an office and I am always very excited to come home. Well worth it. Also, I get to spend some quality time with my kids instead of nagging and cleaning. Flemington NJ House Cleaning


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